Outdoor Open Mic Night on September 26
Open Mic Night
Saturday, September 26
5-7:30 p.m.
The Ashtabula Arts Center will hold an outdoor open mic night on Saturday, September 26 from 5-7:30 p.m. Anyone who wants to sign up to perform needs to call the Arts Center at (440) 964-3396 or email Mandi Frazier at marketing@ashtabulaartscenter.org with the subject line Open Mic Night Sign Up. The deadline to sign up to perform is Thursday, September 17 at 6 p.m. Participants can perform a maximum of two songs each (any genre), and will need to let the Arts Center know what instrument, if any, they will be playing, and how many mics they’ll need. Debra Fleming will be available as accompanist; performers will need to send their own sheet music in advance if using accompaniment (contact info will be provided at signup).
This event will be free to attend, however space will be limited, so attendees must make a reservation, either at (440) 964-3396, or online at ashtabulaartscenter.org, and let the Arts Center know how many will be in their group. Attendees wishing to make a donation to the Arts Center may do so at the event or at ashtabulaartscenter.org. Seating will be outside on the lawn, and attendees should bring lawn chairs or a blanket. No concessions will be sold, but attendees are welcome to bring their own snacks or picnics. The building will be open for restroom access – masks are required when inside. A seating grid will be marked out on the lawn to ensure safe social distance between groups is maintained.