
Donate today

Help the show go on by becoming an Arts Center donor today!

You can now make a one-time donation or a monthly gift!

Standing Ovation Society Donor Levels

Applause: up to $100
Annual listing in newsletter, annual report, and on website.

Cheers: $101-$250
Above benefits, plus 10% discount on class/workshop fees and season subscriptions.

Bravo: $251-$500
Above benefits plus quarterly listing in newsletter, and acknowledgment in dance and theater programs.

Encore: $501-$1000
Above benefits, plus two tickets to any theater or dance production.

Director’s Circle: $1001 & up
Above benefits, plus invitation to Straw Hat Theatre Director’s Circle opening weekend reception and two tickets to the performance.

All donors for the 2023-2024 fiscal year (July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024)

(* indicates new donor; ** indicates increased donation)

If your name is not listed and you donated before the date above, or if you are listed incorrectly, please call Meeghan Humphrey at (440) 964-3396 so we can correct this list.