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Applause: up to $99
Annual listing in newsletters, annual report, and on website
Cheers: $100-$249
Above benefits plus 10% discount on classes/workshops
Bravo: $250-$499
Above benefits plus seasonal listing in newsletter,
and in theater & dance programs
Encore: $500-$999
Listings & discounts plus two tickets to any theater
or dance production
Director’s Circle: $1000 -$4999
Listings & discounts plus 4 tickets to any theater or dance production
Center Stage: $5000 & up
Listings and discounts plus 6 tickets to any theater
or dance production
Your contribution is tax deductible.
Call (440) 964-3396 for more information.
(* indicates new donor; ** indicates increased donation)
If your name is not listed and you donated before the date above, or if you are listed incorrectly, please call the executive director at (440) 964-3396 so we can correct this list.
The Blanchard Family Foundation
Christine Lovejoy **
James Mayer
The Richard S. Morrison Foundation
Dixie Selip
Coblitz Family Designated Fund
Dwight & Janis Beebe
Bonnie J. Benson **
Gary Burlin & Harold Bemis
Susan Chapman
Dental Group of Jefferson Pat & Sally Flash
Grand River Rubber & Plastics
Derek & Jessica Lebzelter **
Charlotte Lehto **
Donna & Glen Hadlock
Terry Hall **
Heritage Mini & Mobile Storage
Bill & Mary Ann Kline **
Beth Koski **
Don & Jayne Koski in memory of Ford Davey
Nancy Krajec **
Andre P. LaSalle, CPA **
Nancy McNair *
Jeff Miller
David & Sue Powers **
Lyn Rocco
Ted Robishaw *
Schoneman Inc.
Connie Schultz **
Greg & Pat Seymour
Kathryn Shelby
Mardi Snyder
Ed & Sandi Taylor *
Gary Van Norman
Harlan & Lorraine Waid **
Terry & Dori Warren
Stephen & Sarah Rhodes **
John & Anna Banks **
Debra Barrickman *
Chuck & Dona Borsukoff
Jude & Jen Cauwenbergh
Mr. Michael & Dr. Emily Cheich
Jim & Ellen Cufr
Mike Fedler
Dave Flautt & Lori Wilson-Flautt
Jason & Lauren Gloekler *
Jeff & Tina Griffiths **
David & Bonita Hayes
Alix Hill
Dr. & Mrs. Shin Huang **
Larry & Marion HughesJCI Contractors
Brett Kaull
Lake Erie Shores Motor Coach Resort **
Alice B. McCarthy **
Judy & Jay Mudd
Katherine Reedy
Bruce & Judy Robson
Tom & Marlene Sartini **
David & Carolyn Sheldon
Tom & Maryann Stevenson
Jeff & Sharon Albert
Dwight & Janis Beebe
Liesel Blackwell **
Dr. & Mrs. DM Burkholder
Lou Buck
Robert & Linda Callahan
Nanette Adams & Gary Case **
Drs. Adigopula & Chilukoti
Kelly Copeland
Rhea Csepegi
Deborah Cumberland
Mattie Dramis **
Donald & Nancy Evans *
Dr. Irene Fiala
Bob & Lauren Godfrey **
Lynne Gollon
Linda & Richard Green in honor of Kate Reedy **
Aimee Dixon Harris *
Mattie Dramis **
Linda Greybar *
Mary Ellen Higley
Hoffman’s Pharmacy/Maria Fowler
The Incorvati Family
Beth Jepson
Carol & Randy Jones **
Betty Kist **
Larry & Cassie Korland
Ken & Barbara Kovach *
Robert & Louise Lebzelter
Debra & James LaPierre
Sue Miller
Marybeth Nassief
John & Nancy Patterson
Anthony Platano
Robert & Judy Guscot Podsedly
Lynn, David & Meadow Pontius **
Rick & Linda Profant
Allan Richards
Marta Stone **
Doug & Mary Lou Towner
Michael & Stephanie VanNorman **
Phyllis Duffy Zala
Rev. David Anderson & Joanna Pretz Anderson **
Rosemary Bernato
Terry & Margie Berkey **
Mariana Branch **
Cheryle Chiaramonte
William Cornell
Pat Cramer
Wes & Charlen Crawford
Jeanine & Joel DiMare
Candy & Jack Doherty
Dave & Mary Dragon
Bert Drennan *
Esterers/Markko Vineyard
William & Anita Foley
Priscilla Folmer
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Fritts
Dr. & Mrs. Gloekler **
Kevin Grippi
Lisa Fuller-Grippi & Andy Grippi
Michael & LaVette Hennigan
Danny Henning *
Lisa Hewitt **
Kathleen Hornung
Sarah Horrigan-Ramos *
Pete & Susie Huggins
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Iarocci
Gerald & Linda Licate **
Eileen Lopuszynski
Elizabeth Jeppesen *
Kelly Jerome
David & Marsha King
Karina Krajec **
Gerald & Mariel Kujala
Lake Shore Artists
Cheryl & Peyton Longden
Jean Lowery **
Cathy & Daurel Marcy
Martell Cleaners/George Martello
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Mechling
Larry & Alberta Meloro
Michael Meranda *
Allison Milburn
Marjorie Milliken
Terry & Jeanne Persily
Eugene Pfeifer
Randall Prill *
Mike Primc
Bill & Cindi Robinson **
Lori Robishaw *
Gus & Barbara Saikaly
Matt Santill *
Linda & Randy Schiff **
John & Margaret Schmid
Evelyn B. Schmidt
Ginny & Ted Seifert
Mr. & Mrs. William Shinskey
Jody Sisson *
Mardi Snyder
George & Daryl Stouffer
Becca & David Stowell
Lisa Getson Swedenborg *
Ben Swope *
Brian & Jaclyn Trask
Pam Whelan *
Ace Parts/Doug Adams
Linda Artman
Gary & Linda Benedict
Nick Boyd
Megan Breitzman
Sadie Butram *
Lois Candela **
Sonja Corlew **
Valerie DeJohn **
Theresa Deutsch *
Susan Edwards **
Robert & Noreen Fairburn
Emily Fisher
Don Gill **
Stephanie Glotzbecker *
Harriet Goodman **
Jerrie Green
Madelon Horvath *
Mary R. Howe
Mary & Jack Howe
Janice Hurst *
Margo Jeanchild
Faythe Jerome
Michael Keating *
Kathleen Keenan
Emily Kendzerski *
Libby Kendzerski *
Kathleen Kennedy**
Sara Koralewski
Chuk & Joy Koski
Barbara Kuchta *
Lake Shore Artists
Carrie Mallow *
Tracy Martello *
Brianna Martone *
Amelia Mathers *
James Matysiak *
Virginia Minick
Loan Nguyen *
Kathleen O’Connell *
Jerry Orlando *
Kathleen O’Shea
Donna Patterson
Cheryl Regner
Harry Reibold
CC Robinson **
Fred Robsel
Lauren Robson
Nina & David Shevchik
Bob Silleck *
The Sorohan Family *
Susan Stocker
Sue Swigunski
Arthur Thompson *
Loretta Todd *
Brian Turk *
Melissa Udell
Jay Urso *
Dave & Rosemarie Uthe
Robinlyn Vogel
Rick & Pam Zack
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