Get half-price tickets to Sunday in the Park with George with donations to youthOPPORTUNITIES
With each item you donate to youthOPPORTUNITIES, you can get half off the price of a ticket to the March 31st performance of Sunday in the Park with George!
Bring your items and purchase half-price tickets at the front desk.
youthOPPORTUNITIES is a community-based program in Ashtabula County that offers participants, young people aged 21 and under, year-round access to a wide variety of services depending on their personal needs. They focus on youth who either need help to successfully continue in school and graduate or who need assistance completing their high-school equivalency (GED) while getting and keeping a job and becoming more self-sufficient. Learn more here.
Needed Items:
hats (to fit ages 14-adult)
gloves (to fit ages 14-adult)
art supplies
laundry detergent
baby wipes
toilet paper
paper towels
soap/body wash
feminine products
Now scheduling appointments for Straw Hat Theatre auditions
We’re now scheduling appointments for Straw Hat Theatre 2018 auditions. Call (440) 964-3396 to make an appointment. Auditions will be held Saturday, March 17 & Sunday, March 18, and are open to anyone, newbies and veteran actors alike! Please come prepared with a short song and a list of calendar conflicts for the directors — commitment is important!
Straw Hat Theatre 2018 show lineup:
9 to 5 – June 8-10, 15-17, 22-23
Into the Woods Jr – June 28-July 1, July 5-7
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat – July 13-15, 20-22, 26-28
Forever Plaid – August 3-5, 10-12, 16-18